Sunday, November 22, 2009

Photographs of orbs and spirits

I enjoyed my visit to Mumbai and finished my work early enough to do tourist stuf. The Gateway to India is beautiful and it has boats which travel to islands in the Arabian Sea.
My client and I decided to see the Elephanta Caves. I enjoy everything to do with archaeology and love to see different things. The Elephanta Caves are worth seeing and the first cave has a Shiva Lingam which is not common.
It is a very powerful spiritual object. I took a photograph of it as the guard allowed me to do so. the regular temples in India they do not want you taking photographs and I can respect this fact.
I was using a photo program on my pictures making it so they were lighter. I noticed the Lingam looked cloudy so cropped the photograph, and I was amazed. It had an orb in it and a figure looking down at the orb.
I feel this is so cool and wanted to share it with you. I also took photographs at dusk because the Square of India is amazing. All of the people in beautiful clothes socializing in the square. I took some photographs of the square and had to lighten them.
I lightened the photographs and saw orbs. The square along with the Taj Hotel in the background was the place where a huge terrorist attack took place in Mumbai. I left Mumbai about three days before the anniversary of the attack.
I was amazed to see orbs again as if they were enjoying the socializing. I do see spirits but I never expected to have so many photographs with them in the pictures when I was just relaxing. Check out the other photographs in my gallery at my website. I have added some new ones.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have to admit that with the warnings from the CDC, the news about the terrorists harming people that was broadcast all over the world, and other tourist comments. I was nervous about India. Yet I will be leaving and returning home on the 11th. During the time here I have found everyone to be nice and kind to me.

My major downfall was plumbing. I turned all the nozzles and nothing came out. I did not realize I had to turn all the nozzles and lift up. I corrected that quickly, and for future travelers to India. The spray nozzles that look like something for dishes in a kitchen sink are used for cleansing yourself. I could not figure out why they were there.

India sort of sideswiped me. I felt so at home yet things kept happening that were different from what I thought was normal. Part of traveling is enjoying the differences instead of trying to find a place where everything is done the same as you feel it should be done. I have enjoyed the differences and have to laugh at them.

If you are American practice some proper English as the English spoken in India is British English and everyone looks sort of confused at American. I asked what soda pops a restaurant had for example. They said we have no soda pop but my friend asked for diet coke and they said yes they had diet coke. They thought soda pop was a name brand.

Yet everyone has been kind to me. The shop keepers see you as a tourist and raise the prices but that has happened to me in other places. I was really stared at and people thought my blue eyes were strange. Yet they were some of the friendliest people who helped to show me novel things about India. Western style clothes are what the Indians want to wear. I bought some of the Indian style clothes and the light cotton is really suited for humidity.

So I have nifty clothes, a change of pace, a better knowledge of curries. I also have to buy another little suitcase or bag for the gifts I have bought my friends. They cost next to nothing in US prices so I am not worried about customs and feel I have gotten my friends the best gifts.

India is worth while and I will never believe all of the warnings again.

Welcome to my Blog

My blog will be about my work helping others with spiritual problems. I will talk about methods, try to brainstorm on different methods, and many of the problems I encounter and the people encounter with being able to be healed.