One of my friends watches a paranormal show. He mentioned how the demon called six followed the investigators from case to case. He also wanted to ask is could this really happen. I have had this happen once and I will explain the circumstances.
The person I was exorcising said during the middle of the ceremony where things could be left open that she revoked her permission to exorcise her. It made it so I kept doing the ceremony to finish it to the point where the demon could not hurt me or her sister.
Instead the demon used this to declare that I had declared an adversarial condition because I had kept doing the ceremony. Either way the demon had a chance to hurt me and the person's sister. I started to have this demon show up in half of my cases where it could try to hurt me. I also had it appear out of no where and try to cause accidents.
The fifth time of cars spinning out at my husband and I almost hitting the vehicle. I said I can not believe this is happening. My husband said well you are the one the demon is fighting so you should believe it. He was correct as the demon had tried to make it like I was having a boxing match with it. Both of us got to defeat the other one.
Demons by their nature cheat so from them on it gave me names like six trying to fool me and having other demons appear claiming I did not banish them because it was a demon that was named differently. Names are all important in banishing demons and six is not a demon name but a number used to keep the humans from getting rid of it.
The only thing that stopped this was getting the angels to protect me and declare that it was not a contest. Next I also did a banishing that cut the demons off by their energies, appearances, false appearances and records. It took quite a bit of time and now if the person looks like that sort of case I have them sign an agreement that I have permission to remove any demon completely and they can not revoke the permission.
I have found that keeps me from getting hurt and having the demons use me as some sort of contest.
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