Thursday, June 4, 2015

Google and Twin Flame Prayer

Hello Everyone
I have been penalized by Google for duplicate content including the prayer because I put it on my website also. I do not know SEO rules and do not have any experts hired to do that work for me.

I just do it myself and Google does not tell you when you make mistakes. The fact that they penalized me for this makes it hard for people to find my website. It causes me problems and makes me very unhappy wondering what new sneaky think they are going to look for that I do not know about to penalize me over.

So please check out my website 

I also have a store now and a Facebook page.

I will be putting the blog on the website except for occasional posts with different content. Life is a learning experience and it is just nice if you get told about what you need to do instead of finding out about it the hard way.

I may remove this blog just to be sure nothing is duplicate which is a shame in many ways.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Blog will now be posted on the Website and new online store

Hello Everyone
I have been trying to learn SEO techniques and so far having the blog on the website and linked to the blog here was the best advice. The link to the new post is

And my store has new products in MP3's and many more to come. The MP3's at the moment are-

Remove Blockages to True Love mp3
How many people are still getting over a past love. They have been hurt and not able to find a new love. How many people have just been hurt by how they have been treated. I used a divine connection and my singing tones and notes to effect the energy on all levels to release to the divine creator. The people testing this one noticed a release and seeming to be more attractive to others.

Remove Dark Programming mp3
How many of us have been programmed by curses, abuse, hatred and cruelty to react in negative ways. It causes people to make the wrong decisions because the decisions are powered by the negative dark programming we have in our subconscious and conscious mind. I did the chant and the singing connected to the divine creator. The people who tested this method were helped and had dreams showing them where the conflicts were and how to correct them.

Children Grounding and Protection mp3
How many people have children who have nightmares and problems sleeping. How many parents have psychic children who see things others do not see. The grounding and protection helps the child to feel safe with short pdf directions to help the child overcome their problems and fears. One child who tested it out has been helped already.

Nullity Shield of Protection mp3
I developed this shield for people who have problems with energy drainage. Energy vampires are present everywhere and seem to be able to drain others of their good. This shield makes it so you can not be seen by demons, magicians, and energy vampires. It makes it so no curses can find you. I also included a short pdf of ways to make the mp3 stronger. The people who tested the shield have been helped already

Shut Them Down 3 Goddess Curse Reversal
I did this from my roots when I first started learning magic. The Goddesses work well together and anyone will be able to see the results. This has already helped the people who tested it out.

The link to the store is

I hope you enjoy the new blog post on the website.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Symbol to Remove Negative Programming and Evil By Nita Hickok (c)2015

The work I do always involves a certain amount of mental programming. Acceptance by the people involves always freezes a situation and makes it so it does not change. Lack of change always means a person or people blocked and stuck in a negative situation.

This can be called by many names. Yet it prevents the person from healing their life by releasing the past so change can be made in the persons life. It used to be called closure so an ending could happen where the person could leave the energies or situation behind them.

Others expectations also freeze the person and programs them to be seen in the negative fashion that others see them. Abuse will do this also and the person has to purge the energies to free themselves from the negativity.

Evil in any form can use these blockages and make it so a persons energies can be fed off of and create more evil in the persons life. An example of this is a person who is being lied about and abused. The people doing the abuse and lying about the person get energies from what they are doing. They feel powerful, and they feel important. They get to gossip and act like they are better than the other person and the more people that believe the lies the more powerful the energies.

The person being abused, slandered and lied about can give their energies over by defending themselves and saying that others are lying. The manipulators of the situation can use this to create more lies and negativity. Finally the liars and manipulators do not remember their own lies and everything falls apart. Yet the person who had this done to them still suffers from the lies. They are treated differently and there is always doubt about them as a person.

This symbol can be used to heal these situations and heal the person who was mistreated. The people who believed the liars can be healed also. So this affirmation should be said-

Listen to Me (add your name) The truth does not cease to exist because lies have been told. You are yourself and what you have done and your choices not others opinions and viewpoints. You are your true self and all negativity, evil, mental programming, ill wishes and images of evil are gone as this symbol is destroyed.

Draw upon this symbol or draw while looking at this symbol and let me know your results.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Love-Are you afraid to express yourself

Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving. ~Khalil Gibran

 Life has a melody and what fuels that melody is love. People always think about life as success, abundance, talent, and many other things. Yet would any of these things mean something if there was no love in the persons life.

There are many types of love. Love of money, love of life, love and joy can be interconnected. Laughter and love also are interconnected along with love and compassionate. Yet how do we deal with these things. Some people can express themselves and talk with a pure giving love. Others have a conditional love where you have to satisfy the persons qualifications. Many people are embarrassed when others say they love them and miss them.

Others try to harm and manipulate people because they love them or others. The film the Green Mile has an example of love being used against the person by their being willing to die for the other person. Soldiers are said to fight and die for their fellow soldiers in the unit not for any abstract thoughts or political issues but caring and love for the fellow soldiers. They care and love back and respond by defending and protecting each other.

People who receive love and have others to love live longer. A person who knows that someone cares for them and loves them when they are ill can keep going longer. A person who knows they are just cared about for money, or some other thing the person wants just wilts and lacks the very thing they need to heal.

Love and caring about others is a blessing but it is wise to pick the right people to bless with the love and caring. Love can be hurtful and harmful when it is used against the person. Life does go on and anyone can love life. No one can take your love away from you even if the other person does not appreciate it. No one can take away the kindness that you do.

It is doing it properly so the other person respects it. Different cultures express things in different ways yet love is always a constant emotion for everyone. It is just finding the right person who appreciates your love.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Do You Love Your Life by Nita Hickok (c)2015

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
Bruce Lee
I love my life. I am thankful for every day of life. No one really thinks about the fact that you are not promised tomorrow. Procrastinating is really the enemy of enjoying life because you put off every thing you want to do. I can do it tomorrow or I have to do this first delays everything that you have fun doing.
So what have you put off doing? What are you delaying because it is hard to find time to do it. What do you consider important? It shows the type of person you are and the challenges you have in your life.
Some people wallow in the energies of hatred and pain enjoying it. Others love their family and try to do the right things. Each person thinks that this is the way to live. Yet I would prefer to love people and do the right things every time.
I think of how people have helped me to achieve my dreams. How blessed I am by the good people in my life. I then think of how fun it would be to do that for someone else.
I like to have little adventures and enjoy life. I like good films and travelling to see new places. I like to love and help others. I enjoy the kindness in life. So everyone consider that how you live your life and the actions that you do in your life defines you as a human being.

I know how I am defined and like I said I love my life.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Discrediting people-How others do it

I do not have a quote for this week but just a few thoughts. I made the silent revolution post because of the experiences I have had with a religious group. Yet it is true that when people have companies that do news shows that do not show respect then they treat the person differently. I am just a foreigner and not a Filipino yet I listened to the shows and just thought wow!

It is the same way I have been treated so it happens in a sort of insidious way. Someone decides that since they did something wrong or could get in trouble through their actions they make statements to others. It is always stuff that discredits the credibility and actions of the person.

They are out of trouble and everyone is blamed except them. It is a human way to do things because no one wants to look like they are the problem. The person they were supposed to advise wonders what happens here and they look good. They can say things like I did not understand it that way with what you said to me. He is mental because I do not remember it that way. They do this all so they look good when they really were the people who messed up.

You have people treat you differently and the station I listened to the information on the TV where they did this is a broadcasting company owned by Iglesias Ni Cristos so no accusations or slander intended yet it seems they were not showing any respect.

So being a psychic who has had the same tactics used on her it just seemed the logical conclusion. Leadership is a hard job and many times in the US the people who accuse the president of things do it behind their back in such a way that no one can find fault with them.

They say that was not the instructions they received or they were told to do it. It is all about political influence and game playing and that religion has a history of being called king makers.

So excuse me if I as a American saw a trend just like in the US. The US also has had a pork barrel scandal and a Tea Pot dome scandal. One was corrupt politicians and the other was about oil. The Philippines is a young democracy and has to grow by its decisions. The only way to do this is by designing their country by the examples of others to avoid the others mistakes.

Most of the mistakes in the US that I can see are from the President not having a line item veto where he can take out the pork so to speak. The other is the influence that gossip and nastiness can have on the reputations of others. It does not have to be true but just be good gossip. It is always some sort of clique and always a group with special interests that does this to the politicians.

They always have an agenda and it is always like being in a pillow fight. It does not hurt but the results can be as bad as anything else if the pillow hurts someone or breaks something.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

How Do You Write Your Script in Life

Two Scripts
Adar 17, 5775 · March 8, 2015

Based on letters and talks of the Rebbe, Rabbi M. M. Schneerson
Two ways you could write your life:

“I am so small, and I make such stupid messes that even if the Creator of this magnificent universe had some plan for me, by now He must have given up. So I do, too.“


“I am so small, and I make such stupid messes, yet nevertheless the Creator of this magnificent universe will not let go of His belief in me. So neither will I.”

Torat Menachem 5742, vol. 3, pg. 1522. Ibid 5747 vol. 4 pg. 261

I found that this hit home for me. How do we think of our life? How do we think of ourselves and how we feel about our life? I always feel small and insignificant and yet stupid messes can happen no matter how small you are in your opinion.

I normally do not give up and I always try to figure out how I make the stupid messes or if it is someone else helping me to make the messes. One person can only influence so much. You can make a stupid mess and if it does not go out on TV or the Radio who knows what has happened except the select circle of people that were there when the mess happened. So how can we think the creator feels our messes our important to anyone but us.

I enjoyed the movie Wag the Dog with Dustin Hoffman. It came out years ago but the one thing I remembered was what they called spin doctoring. They called it Wag the Dog because the tail actually controlled the whole dog. They were trying to make it so the President did not commit a crime. So they blamed it on everything else and actually made up the photographs and filmed things happening that were movie scenes and skits. By the time they were through the President looked innocent of any wrong doing.

People who create messes try to find others to blame for the messes. If they have the capabilities to do something like Wag the Dog then an innocent statement, a moment of frustration is used against a person to blame, disgrace and destroy them in every way. It is a mess in every way but it is blamed on a person that did not do anything. How can anyone believe this of the person? How can it be believable. People always want to believe someone acts worse, is inferior, or some other fact about them to make themselves feel superior. It stops being believable when it gets complex because none of the scenarios fit to disgrace the person if they lose control and if the person is not the way they show them to be. So being yourself and acting the way you always act is the best defence.

So the question here is do you give up the messes feeling that God has given up? You can use any deity you want in this question but do you quit? Do you feel the truth is unimportant and that every thing but honesty is more important in your life. Then you are the type of person who creates and blames others for your messes.

So it shows you should ask the question did I create the mess? Did it occur because I trusted someone? Realize that trusting someone is not bad but what they do with your trust can destroy you at times. So we may be in a stupid mess through no fault of our own and have to fix it.

That moment is when I think God never gives up on me. He knows I always try and do not give up. There must be a way to fix the mess. I am sure he will notice and teach me so the same mess does not happen to me again. Yet realize it can also be a Wag the Dog moment where you have to stand up for yourself and be honest. Trusting that others will be so appalled and shamed by what the others do will not work. Knowing that God has not given up on you and will help you for the truth to be shown and the stupid mess cleared up is priceless.

You can write your script by your faith and belief in a divine force that helps you and loves you. Only evil forces create messes to harm others on purpose and most people think God is angry. It is not God at all but evil filling in the spaces to create messes that may move you closer to God.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Difficulties brings Inspiration

“The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the
more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be.”

“I have brought myself by long meditation to the conviction that a
human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and that
nothing can resist a will which will stake even existence upon its
fulfillment.”—Lord Beaconsfield

I saw this quote and had to post it. Everyone has difficulties in life but it is what we do when we encounter them, I know for me the difficulties with in can be just as upsetting or more so than the ones without of me.

Everyone can find someone else to talk about when it is things that are difficult that are not with in your emotions. Everyone has methods and experiences that will help you to heal or resolve your problems. You can always find good advice or hire an expert to help you.

The difficulties with in can be from abuse, trauma, and unusual happenings and these are harder to deal with because there are many people who just do not listen. If it is not something they want to believe in then they can also be abusive or nasty by trying to say if it is not something to believe in then it can not be happening to the person.

Look at what happened to the people who had divine missions in their lives and created great change. Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and many others are just an example of simple human beings who through their own actions changed the world.

They were not perfect, and made mistakes. They had convictions which created great change and caused them doubt yet they did what they thought was right and the world was a better place because of them.

Realize in our own way that we make the world a better place by creating inspiration and helping others with difficulties. A good listener is worth a persons life at times because you may be the only person to give them hope. I decide each day to treat everyone like how I want to be treated. I may never get the treatment back but if I change someone life for the better I am doing the love of God or Loving Kindness in my life for everyone.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Shielding and filtering for Healer classes and much more

Healers need to filter and shield themselves for each session. Many healers do this by prayer and depending upon divine energies. Yet this does not always work especially in the type of work that I do because many of the people having problems are psychic and link to the healer.

Psychic vampires who do not realize that they drain others can also be a real problem with healers and many other factors. How can a healer work upon these problems and still be able to help the person while shielding themselves from these issues.

Filters are the main way to do this and having a protection system set up using layers and a variety of methods. Empathic people can be a real problem because they link differently at an emotional level and start of feel the healers illnesses and problems because many empaths are healers themselves. They can also drain a healer quickly because of their being able to hit the emotional energies and using it themselves to try to save themselves. Most clients that do this are afraid and worried over their problems and on most levels do not know that they do this except on an etheric level.

Clairvoyants and mediums also can draw in spirits and have problems where the healer picks up on the spirits and they try to attach to the healer. So almost every psychic ability and talent seems to have challenges for the healer.

The next problem is having sympathy or identifying with the problems being healed. A certain detachment is needed with compassion being necessary to do the connection for healing. Compassion or loving kindness is necessary for a good healer no matter how difficult the client.

I plan to do classes on helping healers to protect their energies and filter the influences in healing. I will do a months of lessons plus unlimited emails for the month for $250.00 and will also do SKYPE sessions to help the student with specific problems.

I plan to do this on various subjects and will list them on my website besides in my blog please contact me at either of my contact emails for a subject you would be interested in learning.

Other subjects include:
Simple Curse Breaking-learn how to help yourself be free from negative situations
Abundance prayer-Using prayers and chants to bring abundance.
Connecting to Angels-Ways to have prayers heard by God and the Angels.
Learn your Psychic talents and how to Control them
Anger control through meditation and prayer
Uses of Crystals and Crystal balls

Thursday, February 12, 2015

New-Alternate Email for people to contact me

I have received emails recently from people who say they have been trying to have me answer an email since March of last year. I have been on the internet the whole time and I always answer my emails.

I have experienced a real slow down in business because I seem to only be getting the spam on my main account. I have checked all of the spam filtering and every other setting. Yet they do protect the servers with spam filters and if the headers are on the list of key words they may be filtering my mail where I do not receive the client requests.

The reason for this is my work is not normal and many times people put down I need your help and other things that would set off a spam blocker. My alternative email is

I hope that every one who needs my help finds me but if I can not get their email then I can not help. I have had friends who mentioned this also but they always got an email through the next day.

So forgive me if you have tried to email me and not received an answer. I have had a few people tell me they had problems but this was extreme.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Gestures of Blessings

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
― Steve Maraboli
Gestures of kindness in life always make me think of the love of God. I met a wonderful person recently who out of compassion listened to me and helped me. It always makes me realize that no matter how many people can act bad finding a person that acts good is a blessing of God.
God is always there for everyone. Yet most people can not connect to God when they are stressed, upset, or full of hatred. The people who are stressed have an easy solution as they can do many things to relax and not be stressed. Upsets in life are normal and sometimes God turns your life upside down.
The wounds created by these moments only the compassion of God can heal and people who are blessings in our life. Hatred is really a moment of such negative energy that it curses everyone who is around that person. Hate groups generate such negativity and hate in this world that it is hard to understand how others can belong or be members of the group.
People who judge others and hate them because of the race, sex or creed of religion are always people who are insecure. They have to compete and prove that they are better than everyone else. Yet they also have a sense that they are inferior in some way. They have to be number one or they are failures.

The recent tests in my life have been dealing with people like this who are in a cult and my trying to help someone. I am back on the web again next week. If you have been unable to contact me please try again as I am able to do more since I have finished with that case.

Be blessed and appreciate the good people in your life. Kindness and the gestures of the love of God from others is the important thing in life. Nothing else can be taken with you but love and kindness.

Welcome to my Blog

My blog will be about my work helping others with spiritual problems. I will talk about methods, try to brainstorm on different methods, and many of the problems I encounter and the people encounter with being able to be healed.