Sunday, December 7, 2014

My books-How to Heal from Psychic Attack and Sensible Spirituality.

I always liked to give books for the holidays because people keep them forever and remember who gives them the book. I always saw it as a gift of love and everyone enjoys reading a book. I would like to spotlight my books. They are both on Amazon and on Kindle books.

How to Heal from Psychic Attack: The Problem Solvers Alphabet
Authored by Nita Hickok
List Price: $19.99
8" x 10" (20.32 x 25.4 cm)
Full Color on White paper
88 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1502759665 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1502759667
BISAC: Body, Mind & Spirit / Healing / Energy

The Problem Solvers Alphabet was invented to help victims of psychic attack and spiritual problems. The Glyphs are an easy method that can be used by anyone to help themselves and others to be healed. The magical system developed in the Problem Solvers Alphabet combines Hermetic Magic, Gematria and magical alphabets as utilized by many ancient cultures. You will be taught how to energize your own magical creations in such a way as to key into the vibrations, colors and images of the glyphs and akashic gemstones; all based on tested ancient wisdom - updated and developed for students in a new magical age. The alphabet is an integral part of my system to stop negative energies from harming you or others

A good book is often plainly written, when the writer writes from experience, from a gentle kindness that wishes not to impress, but to be understood. A good book of wisdom is often plainer still, for the words are not the writer’s own, and the work itself is alive. The Problem-Solver’s Alphabet is both: elegantly simple and alive with magic. As Nita Hickok found so many of us in our darkest hour, may this book find you in yours.

I found Nita through Robert Bruce’s book. I was starting to experience a real slate of bad luck, no money, bad guy, and magical workings from others on me. People say these things don’t exist. I am a pretty sane person & I can tell you, they do exist. I experienced some dreadful stuff, and money especially was extremely scarce. I almost lost my home.. I contacted Nita and she could see right away that the guy I was associated with had some bad stuff on him and it was affecting me very badly. She also alerted me to her book, the Problem Solvers’s Alphabet. I found this extremely useful. Nita was very helpful, kind & generous with her help and information. She was always concerned & showed a genuine interest in helping me to solve my problems. Fight magic with magic, is how I put it. I am finally coming through that harsh time, and it is because of Nita’s help.
She is the real deal. But one thing is, as Nita will say, you have got to help yourself as well. If you have psychological problems, then you must seek some outside help like psychotherapy or counselling. You can protect yourself, but you have to deal with the issues that caused the problem too. Like, why was I ever associated with such a person? How am I making decisions? You have to work on yourself, and Nita does say that.

Thank you Nita for your help in not only teaching me but showing me how to take care of myself. You are a real gift and I treasure you. God Bless you lovely lady. Thank you Nita.
Patty Turner

I first met Nita when she agreed to assist me with a personal issue I was experiencing with psychic attacks. Since then I have realized more and more that her greatest gift is the amount of love she gives and offers to those in need. My spiritual journey has now taken a different path to that of hermetics. However, I have never doubted that Nita has the energy of a healer, and will bring her gifts and insights to many people now and in the future.

Nita is a humble person, free from the attitude that often accompanies gifted healers. I recommend her whole heartedly because I trust her. That is the biggest compliment I could give anyone.


Pierre Du Chamois
Primary therapist

This is a reprint of the book. There is a problem with the other publishers discontinuing the book or business. I wanted to redo it from the original files and just have it at a reasonable price with color pictures in it.

The next book is-

Sensible Spirituality: Avoiding the pitfalls, Learning your path, and Handy Methods to help any Spiritual Seeker
Authored by Rev. Nita L Hickok
List Price: $12.98
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
274 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1468105568 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1468105566
BISAC: Self-Help / Spiritual
Sensible Spirituality is a book of methods and information for the spiritual seeker. It is the work of Nita Hickok who has had 40 years of finding her own path through mistakes, pitfalls, and doing the right thing. She writes of her experiences, triumphs and failures in a way that helps anyone with the knowledge that they need. People do not realize the many changes that can happen in their lives by spiritual awakening and different practices. It is a must read for anyone who feels sort of lost and needs information and explanations on how spirituality can work in their lives with both good and bad choices. It also gives information about spirits,and solutions to help the seekers spiritual practice to be balanced so they experience positive progress in their studies.

If you have studied the Occult, Mysticism, or changed the energies in your life ithis book will help to change your life. It is wonderful to have information that makes it so all changes will be positive changes and realize that awakening whether it be through prayer, or any other practice affects your life and everything about you.

Solutions to help yourself, talking about her mistakes, and realizing what she learned not to do along with what worked for Nita Hickok can help you in every way to make your life positive and help you in your choices and challenges in life.
CreateSpace eStore:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Healing Others-Symbol for self-forgiveness, self-love and removal of blame

“We habitually erect a barrier called blame that keeps us from communicating genuinely with others, and we fortify it with our concepts of who's right and who's wrong. We do that with the people who are closest to us and we do it with political systems, with all kinds of things that we don't like about our associates or our society.

It is a very common, ancient, well-perfected device for trying to feel better. Blame others....Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself. Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground.”
― Pema Chödrön

I have read a few books by Pema Chodron and she is a very wise Buddhist. I appreciate this fact more when I realize that she writes about some of the challenges that I have in life. Do you ever blame yourself for things? I think everyone does even when they did not do anything wrong. Others perceptions are important to us and our accepting these perceptions bring about sorrow and pain in our lives.

Yet why do they do these things if you did nothing wrong. You are responsible for your own actions, words and the things you do. You are responsible when you are lying about and saying bad things about others. Even telling the truth about the evil others have done to you can create circumstances that give people power over your heart and your inner-self.

How do we prevent this? Forgiving our self is one way to do this because you are not responsible for others opinions. If you know the people and saw how they complained and blamed everyone else even when they did nothing and the people were not responsible for their own actions then you knew they would do it to you. I have blamed myself for this dozens of times yet giving others a chance is a good trait yet judging others harshly is bad.

I have had that problem recently with people. They blame their actions on me when I do not act that way. I judge myself harshly with the things I do by the very fact of such negative people being around me who are hateful and hate themselves. I am not responsible for the fact that every one of these mentally ill people feel others act the same way that they do. I am not responsible for their lies, delusions and manipulations of others. I am not responsible for their hateful actions that others hate no matter how much they try to blame me.

I am not responsible for their words, their actions, any actions done by others, their manipulations of others and their lying about my religion, nature, actions, and all the other things people do to separate others from people. People do these hateful actions are mentally ill and act this way to protect themselves and to say they are normal. They do not want to accept people who do not act like themselves because they do not know how to love themselves, accept themselves and can only compare themselves to being better than the evil actions of others even if they have to make up the evil actions or blame the other people for what they did so they can look good and perfect. They are mentally ill when they put their evil actions upon others to abuse, make others suffer, separate others into groups and they form hate groups.

This is very accurate but are we all hate groups of ourselves? Do we hate ourselves for the times we are imperfect? For the times we did something that had bad repercussions when we did nothing incorrect and it was the actions of others that turned it into a great evil? We are only responsible and to blame for our own actions, our own words, our own deeds and how we treat ourselves.

This symbol is for the people who are responsible and introspective. Who blame themselves for things they did not do or accepted that they are not perfect. No one is perfect and may everyone who uses this symbol learn how to love themselves and realize they are not perfect but accepting what others try to do to them is wrong. Cruelty is never correct or right and neither is hate of any type.

The phrase for this symbol is:

Listen to me (say your name) Under stand me (say your name) You are to love yourself. You are to forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness for being ill, doing and saying the wrong things, accepting the blame of others, and hating yourself. Listen to me love yourself
Listen to me love yourself
Listen to me love yourself
Listen to me Forgive yourself
Listen to me Release yourself
Listen to me renew yourself in true Divine Love

Doodle upon this image or look at the image, close your eyes and doodle then sprinkle salt and Italian seasoning on the paper. Look at it again and see all the built of patterns of thoughts and reactions that have brought you so much pain by insulting, manipulating, harming, and cruelty to others when you only meant to be better. As people who do this always do it for certain reasons. People who blame others always feel inferior and since they do not have good examples of what they can do instead rip down others who do their best. 

Other reasons are feeling sad or grief stricken about things you did that did not work. Picking upon yourself over a loss or suffering when you did your best and nothing will change the past but forgiveness of yourself. Put all of these emotions into the doodle and then burn it in the barbecue or rip it up and throw it out the window. It will help you to forgive yourself and restore your self-love.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

In Memory of Don Hushour

“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”
― Rumi

Don was my ex-husband but in many ways he was still my husband. We helped each other, argued with each other and he was my best friend for 32 years. He had a head injury which caused an Organic Brain Disorder and Frontal Lobe Epilepsy which caused him fits. I learned a great deal from him.

Don taught me about music and how to sing. He taught me that no matter how smart someone is our brains do not always work well. We had fun and adventure together and laughed together. He was never able to live with anyone else because it got on his nerves. We loved each other but living with each other could be rough.

He quit having adventures when his medication seemed to quit working and the new medicine was better for him but did not seem to work as well. I had to nag him so much to do things that I did not even like myself. Yet it was the only way to get him to move.

He became ill and self-diagnosed himself with cancer when he had an infection. The infection is contagious and everyone who gets MRSA should go to a doctor or hospital because it is vicious and kills healthy and unhealthy people.

He was my hero for allowing me to leave and move to the Philippines because MRSA is active in our area of the US. I never thought he would become ill and die of  MRSA as I almost died twice and he never became ill.

I am doing my work and keeping busy but that is the reason I have not posted as much in the blog. He died just as he wanted to with me calling up and getting him to a doctor, with my telling him I loved him, and how much I cared. I always told him I loved him every phone call so remember the one thing that people can take from this life is love, and kindness.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Healing others-Symbol to remove mental programming By Nita Hickok (c) 2014

Key Phrase-
Listen to me. I command my mind, body, soul, subconscious,emotions,beliefs and creativity to block and refuse all mental control, manipulation, influence.No permission, agreements, or actions are allowed that cause illness, death, self-sabotage or actions I am not conscious of that remove my self-control.

You repeat this phrase 3 times while looking at the symbol and drawing on a piece of paper. The drawing does not need to make sense. You then burn the drawing with salt and cinnamon to remove anything that was released by this method.

I am developing a new method where the drawings are simple and combine Rorschach drawings which is subconscious release with automatic drawing. Automatic drawing accesses the higher self and the subconscious.

I decided that this symbol was worthwhile after discovering how much subliminal programming and Neuro Linguistic Programming key words and embedded commands are used in entertainment and promoting sales of products. There are also ways they are used in a form of hypnosis that can be done by music or TV.

No one wants to believe that they can be influenced in this way but think of some commercials and songs that can do this to you. How many people watch religious programs that make it so you do what they want or are influenced by the subjects and the way the words and language are used?

I deal with people with spiritual problems and many of them listened to others and were taken advantage of with healing and joining groups. Recently I have found a way that the divine channel is used and it disconnects and reconnects the higher self which is how God works through your channel into your physical body. The better connection to your higher self brings about the help of divine energies in your life where events flow properly.

I heard the phrase shadow people before and it is almost like the shadows and fears of everyone being manifested at times through the subliminal programming in our lives. So this symbol will help with people who are having problems in life in many ways. Try the symbols and let me know how you feel and if it helps out. I have had compliments on some of the other symbols but it should help to make your life glow and shine in beauty.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Healing Others- My New Method to help others

“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation -- either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”
― Martin Luther King Jr

 My work is to heal others and to help them find the ways they need to help themselves. I have been trying different methods for years and found a simple way for people to reprogram their subconscious. I drew the symbols in ways to promote the removal of the fears and subconscious problems that cause people so much grief.

It is simple and easy. Yet the symbols look strange because they are to bring out the things that we need to heal and to find our true selves. I call this symbol healing suffering to manifest your true self.
I see this as a symbol that could be compared to a Rorschach test, thought form, and conscious image of a shattered person who wants to find their true self. It is a way to look at these parts of ourselves that can not be normally accessed and free ourselves.

Method- Look at the image and focus on it. It can be printed out or just stared at and then think of the things that you want freed from yourself and your subconscious. The things you need to be your true self and to heal.

Take a blank piece of paper and just draw with out thinking. It used to be called doodling when I was a child. Draw until you feel it is done and then look at what you have drawn. Stare at everything then sprinkle it with salt and say this part of me is healed. I am done with these problems. You then burn it and go to an open window. Lift up the ashes and blow them out the window where they blow out of the house or do it outside your door where they blow away from your house.

Clear up any energies of pain and sorrow by doing confession and repentance until you feel cleared of negativity. Do this as many times as needed to help yourself.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Negative Entities, Demons or Aliens Part 2

I have searched for years for the meanings of many of the strange things I have seen and experienced. I could be called an eternal student for that reason. I next want to post a link to an article about dimensions which explains mathematically how dimensions work for paranormal and psychic abilities.

Now for a reference about time. Ernest Mach says "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time.Quit the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things." I have thought for years of periods in human history mentioned in many books such as the flood, and the Dark Ages. Strange things occurred during those times where it seemed like human kind went crazy. It was like the descriptions of all of the religions that I quoted and demons happen every where.

So what ever this is can appear and stay in a window and it is not a person as it was daylight outside when the photo was taken. It is shaped like a human being and you will also see distortions to the side like something else is there. The one being banished was the more solid one then and being forced out of our dimension. The ones not as solid were somehow in-between accessing our dimension. They would have to know where to appear by energies and be able to access those energies through time also.

They are invisible and seem to have God like powers in an evil way. In the Jewish Bible they were of God but of the left hand side of God. An adversary to mankind to test what we are and how we have advanced to the love of God. Yet they did not look almost human.No one was outside and how did the window go dark colored and red during daytime?

In the other religious books it was about punishment, being cast out, cast down, and the punishment of God. It was the very thing the Satan was supposed to cause but it seems like whatever the Satan is went crazy at times during humanities existence.Yet the Jewish description of the left hand side of God does not fit the description of evil angels. These beings do not look like that so what are they and could they be responsible for the waves of evil affecting mankind? May be the demons everyone laughs at and claim that they do not exist are really from different dimensions and beings that can travel through space and time?

I know that with my experiences and the strange things I have seen there is always someone ready to call me a nutcase or try to say that only one religion can cast out evil. It is untrue as every religion has a way to cast out evil or demons. Demons and evil are not limited to one religion or one spiritual method to remove them. They afflict all of humankind and every part of humankind has tried to find a way to deal with them in the past and present.

I feel that they are able to access space and time and during the times when humankind comes the closest to Gods divine love they sabotage humankind. They cause a perversion of people and religion like the Buddhists describe. They cause the problems described in many religious books. So the question is by ignoring this invisible invasion that keeps happening to us are we dooming humankind to failure in our evolution to meet our Divine Father.Our is everything of God and we are supposed to learn not to do these things to ourselves?

I am dealing with stalkers in my life right now from a perverted sect of Christianity that caused me to think of these things. They act like the descriptions of what demons do including to the inhuman harassment and hacking they do rewriting my words and causing me issues. Yet if they were successful at dealing with demons why do they act like them. The focus is how people change even if they are religious or not by being perverted by all the issues mentioned by Buddhists for Mara possession to cause suffering. So every religion has a part of the whole truth.

Our religions and prayers are a defense that the ancients tried to use to figure out how to call the good into our world and prevent the bad from affecting humankind. Yet look at the Holocaust, the Dark Ages and other times when waves of evil influenced our world.The Crusades is an example of religions going crazy through the influence of they are of God and no one else is of God.

I look at the trends of today and see another time of choice. The Satan as he is called is like a jealous person and adversary trying to make us look our worse. He is like many people of today that the only time he can believe he will gain the love of God is by making everyone and everything look worse than he does. We all reflect the mind of God and we all choose which side of God we represent the left hand side or the right hand side. We all have to do the will of God and it is our blessing to do this for ourselves and humankind. So is God a being so huge and powerful that we can not even describe him in religious books. Think about our vocabulary and realize that the ancients did not even have words for what they were experiencing while we have the words of our technology. Yes he is that wonderful and not able to be understood by us and something so wonderful has everything trying to be loved by it no matter what name it is called in our religious belief's and our lives.

We are blessed by many examples of good things humanity has done and examples of many evil religious groups, actions of humankind, and other things which go against the goodness people want in their lives. Our challenge from our adversary is to fight the injustices and evil of our lives to bring about a group blessing of humankind from God. He truly loves humankind but by our choices and what we allow to exist around us we can cut God off by tossing him out of our lives. I try to make it so he stays in my life and I know I have extra protection. Just as I do my work no matter how nutty I can look to others. The result is the healing and blessing of knowing that I am a servant of God and that every thing I do including live my life is through his blessings and love.

So what is God and why is our world Dual and that is a question many people who are brilliant have asked for the ages of humankind's existence. I am just another searcher or conspiracy theorist as one person mentioned yet look at the times when humankind has done abuse and cruelty that is not even human. I wonder about how the very people who are supposed to do the most good can advocate such cruelty and oppression through hatred of others. Could waves of aliens really be our demons and angels? Could our creator be so advanced that the races are competing for his divine love. We know that is true and he is the most wonderful thing in our lives as God is Everything. We are all seekers one way or another in our lives so I have just asked another question. Think about it and we all may find the answer.
ical reality. Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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ical reality. Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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ical reality. Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things". (1) It seems that Einstein was aware that Newton’s time is only a conce

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ical reality. Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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Negative Enitities, Demons, or Aliens Part 1

The Zohar compares the satan to a harlot who is hired by a king to try to seduce his son, because the king wants to test his son's morality and worthiness. Both the king and the harlot (who is devoted to the king) truly want the son to stand firm and reject the harlot's advances. Similarly, the satan is just another one of the many spiritual messengers (angels) that G‑d sends to accomplish His purpose in the creation of man.5
This is not the satan's entire job description. The Talmud sums it up saying that the satan, the impulse to evil ("yetzer ha-ra"), and the angel of death are one and the same personality. 6 He descends from heaven and leads astray, then ascends and brings accusations against humankind, and then carries out the verdict.
However, the above-mentioned passage in Zohar concludes that if one does succumb to the urging of the evil inclination, he is "giving energy to the other side". This means, that an act defying G‑d's will grants those forces that hide G‑d's presence—at His bidding—additional strength to hide G‑d from us even more. This presents itself as even greater internal and external challenges for one to experience and identify with the truths of G‑d and His Torah.

The thought of the day is why is Satan described this way in the Zohar and Torah? It does not mention exorcisms and the Angel of Death is always considered separate from Satan. Notice that it says that it is the impulse to evil. He descends from Heaven and leads astray, then ascends and brings accusations. An act that defies God will set this off and Noah and Job are the best examples of this from the old testament. The Angel of Death is considered a destroying angel of transformation. The Satan is considered an adversary yet he was also created by God as a destroying angel and one of adversarial conditions. Both are considered something that transforms and changes a persons life either through death when it comes to the Angel of Death and through evil being caused in everyone's life when it comes to the Satan by the decisions that we make in our lives.

So are they are all creations of the left hand side of God or is death or the death of problems a release that is a gift from God. Death does not purify or cleanse us but gives us a second chance. This is mentioned in many religions Buddhism has reincarnation and the Bardo, Christianity Hell and purgatory or Heaven, paradise for the Qur'an, and Judaism has a form of reincarnation to purify the soul. So why would Satan be considered the same as the angel of Death? Because the Jewish Satan and Angels are different than the ones in Christianity and other religions. They look different and are described differently.

Satan means evil may be trying to cause the death of hope for the Jewish Messiah and humankind's hope of their prophets and messiah appearing in any generation. It is done through accusation and there are people that can be said to have the evil inclination take them over. People and suffering makes it so humankind hates themselves so much that it is done by disgracing every one and everything else to prove Satan and evil is more worthy. He does this to humankind every time there is a chance of something happening to bring more of the love of God to Humankind.Hope. trust and faith is essential as God is everything and everything happens for a reason until the time is right for the Messiah to appear.

Christianity then comes into existence and uses the Jewish Bible as the Old Testament and adds the New Testament over a 100 years after Jesus Christ dies where interpretations of the times are put into the new writings. Yet they do not have a vocabulary for technology like we do today to describe the events which cause invisible spirits and demons to possess mankind which started then instead of the evil inclination doing this emotionally.

Ephesians 6:11-12 
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

How did this sudden change happen? Where it was no longer the Satan and an angel of adversary but became cosmic forces with out flesh and blood?

  Matthew 10.1
And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.

Now what does the Qur'an say about demons? Jinn which are regular Jinn who are considered like the demons those who defied God. Celestial Jinn are the Angels which obey Allah or God.

10) And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam; they made obeisance but Iblis (did it not). He was of the jinn, so he transgressed the commandment of his Lord. What! would you then take him and his offspring for friends rather than Me, and they are your enemies? Evil is (this) change for the unjust.
(  سورة الكهف  , Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #50)

Demons are also considered to possess people in Islam so a massive change was made during the centuries. The descriptions of the Angels are different and so are the Jinn or demon descriptions.

 Buddhism says the following

The Benevolent Kings Sutra states: "When a nations becomes disordered, it is the spirits that first show signs of rampancy. Because the spirits become rampant, all the people of the nation become disordered" (WND, 8). When we speak of rampant demons, we might bring up a mental image of monsters destroying things. In Buddhism, demons represent functions of human nature and the environment that bring misery and suffering. These demons and devils—the robbers of life and benefit—are actually the negativity inherent in our lives. They can appear as negative internal feelings and as external influences that try to obstruct our Buddhist practice.

Even in the lives of wonderful bodhisattvas, there is fundamental darkness. Negativity—like death and taxes—is certain to be a part of our lives until our final moments. Subtle negativity, like self-doubt, may be difficult to see as a devilish function, but it most certainly is. It keeps us from recognizing that we are Buddhas, worthy of the highest respect.

Now even with diverse cultures meeting each other there are all these similar belief's that occur and some Buddhist sects do casting out of demons which are seen in a different way than the others. They are parts of the uncontrolled mind and have Goddesses and others being cannibals and other tortures of suffering. So all of these things are unseen. Yet the descriptions are different except for shining ones which sound the same through out almost every religion as messengers of God.

I have been searching for the answers to this since I took one photograph which I will put a link to in this article.
It is called Demon in the window and is photograph 8 and the photo with the figure and the red around it. I took this photograph during daytime during a case where I banished a demon causing problems from a home. I saw some energies and that is what showed up in the camera. It shows the entity or alien can exist in the window. Anyone who knows me knows that I have to ask to work a camera and I am no genius with photo shop which is also what people have claimed. I do not even have it on my computer. So I have shown this photo and everyone says they know how to make one like it but I do not know how to do it and that is the important part. I had to use zoom recently and had to be shown where it was on the camera. So again if you know the truth of something it does not matter what everyone else believes. Others have experienced strange things also and your truth may help them to find their truth in their lives.
See Part 2 for the rest of this article.

Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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Newton and do not exist as a physical reality. Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things

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Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things".

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Newton and do not exist as a physical reality. Ernst Mach says: "It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time. Quite the contrary, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by means of the changes of things

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kundalini and symptoms of Kundalini Syndrome

Kundalini can be awakened by shaktipat—spiritual transmission by a Guru or teacher—or by spiritual practices such as yoga or meditation. Sometimes Kundalini reportedly awakens spontaneously as the result of physical or psychological trauma, or even for no apparent reason. When awakened, Kundalini is said to rise up from the muladhara chakra through the central nadi, called sushumna, inside or alongside the spine and reaching the top of the head. The progress of Kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening and mystical experience, until Kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara or crown chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical experience.(Quote from Wikipedia).

I wonder how many people understand Kundalini. I know that I heard it mentioned through all my years of spiritual searching. I do have many people who have had the awakening of kundalini with no training who contact me. They have many different symptoms and kundalini that goes well is supposed to be a joyful and happy moment.

Another Quote from Wikipedia-
A spontaneous awakening in one who is unprepared or without the assistance of a good teacher can result in an experience which has been termed as "Kundalini crisis", "spiritual emergency" or "Kundalini syndrome". The symptoms are said to resemble those of Kundalini awakening but are experienced as unpleasant, overwhelming or out of control. Unpleasant side effects are said to occur when the practitioner has not approached Kundalini with due respect and in a narrow egotistical manner. Kundalini has been described as a highly creative intelligence which dwarfs our own. Kundalini awakening therefore requires surrender; it is not an energy which can be manipulated by the ego.

Physical and psychological effects

Physical effects are believed to be a sign of Kundalini awakening by some,[33] but described as unwanted side effects pointing to a problem rather than progress by others.[31] The following are either common signs of an awakened Kundalini or symptoms of a problem associated with an awakening Kundalini (commonly referred to as Kundalini syndrome):
  • Involuntary jerks, tremors, shaking, itching, tingling, and crawling sensations, especially in the arms and legs
  • Energy rushes or feelings of electricity circulating the body
  • Intense heat (sweating) or cold, especially as energy is experienced passing through the chakras
  • Spontaneous pranayama, asanas, mudras and bandhas
  • Visions or sounds at times associated with a particular chakra
  • Diminished or conversely extreme sexual desire sometimes leading to a state of constant or whole-body orgasm
  • Emotional upheavals or surfacing of unwanted and repressed feelings or thoughts with certain repressed emotions becoming dominant in the conscious mind for short or long periods of time.[25]
  • Headache, migraine, or pressure inside the skull
  • Increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeat
  • Emotional numbness
  • Antisocial tendencies
  • Mood swings with periods of depression or mania
  • Pains in different areas of the body, especially back and neck
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and touch
  • Trance-like and altered states of consciousness
  • Disrupted sleep pattern (periods of insomnia or oversleeping)
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Bliss, feelings of infinite love and universal connectivity, transcendent awareness
Reports about the Sahaja Yoga technique of Kundalini awakening state that the practice can result in a cool breeze felt on the fingertips as well as on the fontanel bone area.[19][34] One study has measured a drop in temperature on the palms of the hands resulting from this technique.

I have had clients who started to have spiritual problems from awakening Kundalini. None of them know what to look for and none of them realized that it happened to them. I do not have the standard awakening through the element of fire. Every Kundalini rising I have had occurred through the element of water. The element of fire is what involves the sexual desires, headaches, and a great many of these symptoms. I have only found a few mentions of Kundalini rising through the different elements or all at once. All the elements at once even with one dominant element does not cause the syndrome.

Spontaneous kundalini through years of practice in a passive way is the safest method to use in my opinion as to many people try to force the energies to happen and it causes the above problems. I thought many people could use this understanding that have not had anyone explain this to them. Wikipedia can be a real blessing but most people do not know the questions to ask to find the answers. They just know they do not feel well and something drastic happened to them.

Another quote from Wikipedia-

According to the psychiatrist Carl Jung, "...the concept of Kundalini has for us only one use, that is, to describe our own experiences with the unconscious..."[55]

Monday, June 23, 2014

Listening with compassion

You can practice deep listening in order to relieve the suffering in us, and in the other person. That kind of listening is described as compassionate listening. You listen only for the purpose of relieving suffering in the other person.
Thich Nhat Hanh 
I feel this way at times when I am trying to discover a technique or find out how to make things work. I always try to ask questions and be a deep listener. Yet many times I am so excited to get in an intellectual discussion that I talk more than I should talk. I do it when I am upset or do not understand something.
I had the gift of someone just listening to me compassionately. I had problems with hackers and have been on and off the internet because of this happening to me. I feel like I let people down and still wonder if I am getting all of my emails. I have to complain and I do not like to complain. I am a problem solver and like to do things for myself.
I have had more down time recently than I have had in 14 years. I do not have problems like this or did not have problems like this in my life. So I did everything I could to make the computer work. I tried to block off everything that could be used and wondered if the problem with the computer was the nut at the keyboard. I tried to outwit everyone and outwitted myself quite a bit.
Yet I learned so much and have been grateful to the person who listened to me. Compassionate listening is an art and I do it all the time to the people who I help. So what happens when you get upset are you a talker or listener? I am both but living alone has taught me that I do talk when I have a nice person to talk too. So I have to thank the compassionate listeners that explain how things work in my life. Understanding  and relieving suffering is very important and so is listening. Everyone needs to be reminded of this in their life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dental Amalgams and Heavy Metals-Do they cause Physical, Mental and Spiritual Problems?

I am not doing a quote today but talking about a theory that I am working upon to help others. I had one of my clients today mention again that his teeth always bothered him before he saw negative energies and had problems in his life. I had heard this from other clients and also about a buzzing or sound frequency emitting from their teeth. I always knew there was a reason for it but wondered if it was like the times that people could pick up radio stations on their teeth. It really happens to some people.

Yet this time he mentioned Dental Amalgams and the fact that on one of the websites they mentioned that maybe the people having problems with demons in their lives had problems with the Amalgams. My first thought was what were they made of as I know they always say they are silver. They are 50% mercury and the rest is a combination of tin, copper, and silver. I know these are all metals used to make planetary talismans and are associated with specific planets according to alchemy and the Ancients. I copied a table and information from

Chemistry and astrology were related in alchemy. There were seven planetary metals that were ruled by corresponding celestial bodies. Often the symbols for the planets and the metals were the same.
  • gold or aurum was dominated by Sol, the sun
  • silver or argentum was dominated by Luna, the moon
  • copper or cuprum was dominated by Venus
  • iron or ferrum was dominated by Mars
  • tin or stannum was dominated by Jupiter
  • mercury (quicksilver) or hydrargyrum was dominated by Mercury
  • lead or plumbum was dominated by Saturn
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto had not been discovered at the time of the alchemists. Modern alchemists sometimes consider the symbols for these planets to represent the metals uranium, neptunium and plutonium.
All of these metals cause problems if there is too much of it in our system even iron. I have seen people who had to have blood drawn because of too much iron in their system. The radioactive elements have obvious problems. You can have problems or sensitivities to different metals. I can not wear regular silver in ear rings but have to use Stainless Silver. I actually do not wear ear rings anymore from the infections that regular silver and gold ear rings caused in my ears.
So what happens when evil and curses attack someone. It causes frequencies, vibrations and trends in the electrical system of the brain and this inspires how we emotionally respond and react to situations. So we are going about our lives and something can hook into us energetically by our teeth.I then thought was it the truth about the radio waves and teeth.

A case of a perplexed husband and wife who heard the radio through her teeth. Everyone knows the negative effects that heavy metal can have on the system. It is why we are warned about mercury in fish, and lead in paint. Yet what if negativity can find people because their Amalgams stored the fear and terror of the dentist and other experiences that made it so they sent that out as a message. Could this be the reason some people have so many spiritual problems and never seem to be able to attract the good energies and things that they deserve? I am going to work on this theory but I found it interesting and maybe it is why some people always have the problems come back to them. 
I wonder if some of the weird things I talk about do have ways to change the energies in the cellular makeup due to the reception of the different metals in the body. I know that metals can affect the emotional and mental actions of a person. Look at the problems with children with lead poisoning for one example. Why could something else not be able to take advantage of it because they are inter-dimensional beings? 
I have to laugh because I sound like a nut case but everything I talk about is of the weird and unusual so I guess that does not matter to me. What a thought and could the people who have wide open psychic abilities that they can not control or seem to have something else controlling their lives no matter what they do or how they act have problems with the frequencies and disruption of their neurological networks? I guess everyone has to think about this for themselves.

They now have resin fillings and I ask every responsible parent to think about this for their children and themselves. It might change your life and how you live it. Could emotional problems of depression and other trends we have in this world be caused by our poisoning ourselves through our dental work or the metals we absorb through our cookware, plumbing and other things in our lives.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Family=The people we Love from our Heart

“There is no such thing as a "broken family." Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart. The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you make those ties, those people are your family. And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you.

Everyone has issues with their family. I do not know a single person who has gotten along with everyone in their family. There is always one person who is different that everyone either picks upon or tries to help. Family is all about helping each other and loving each other.

Hate and other issues can get in the way of the love in a family. No one trusts everyone in their family. At times things happen to family members that the other members do not want to believe. They use their own actions of what they would do to judge other family members. They talk hatred, anger and rage at the bad things that have happened. They have laughter, joy and love over the good things that happen to the family members.

Why do people say a family if broken if all of these actions and emotions are present in every family. It is broken when the ties in the heart are cut. This happens when family members hurt other family members so badly that love can no longer be there. Trust can no longer be there. The times I have noticed this happens is always over something that the family member who does the hurting of the other members is judgmental, manipulative or ignoring reality.
I have seen horrible things happen and the other family members ignore it. They say the person who is traumatized and hurt can deal with it. They always try to find a way to blame their indifference on the subject to something that is wrong with the other person. The other people are not perfect but for them to find a way to blame others where they do not have to get involved they try to make it so the hurt person is so imperfect that they get to disgrace and shame them. Manipulation of others always involves one person talking badly about the other person. 

The family goes after the imperfect people like a pack of wolves or piranhas and the person who is traumatized gets no support at all. It is always an act of superiority like I would never have that happen to me, and you are inferior if it did happen to you. No one ever thinks that trauma is not planned. It happens because we love and trust others. No one can predict who to trust or love. We can be betrayed by a wife or by a husband, a child, a father or a mother, a friend who got the whole family in trouble, a minister, or anyone else that is supposed to be someone to trust that causes a situation in our lives. Cruelty and abuse that have been done to others by family is overwhelming.
Is the person wrong who had the trauma or the people that caused the trauma. I like to believe that the person causing the trauma is the problem because they took advantage of the traumatized persons nature or figured a way to get what they wanted by hurting them. Those people are not your family or anyone elses family even if they are born in your family. They are out for themselves and to look superior. They do not love anyone but themselves.
Family is not by blood even though we all have a family by blood. Family is just like this quote says a product of the heart. It means your friends can be more of a family than your family by blood and birth.Let Love be what exists and release the hatred with forgiveness for any wrongs that have been done to you. Let it go so you can move onto the family of your heart.

People always bring up the bad trying to keep you stuck in place so the secret is to just not talk about it and say something nice and move onward.  Your not saying bad and your just not talking about it. releasing and forgiving them to God makes it so life can move forward. The wheel of fate grinds onward to the good future that the people who forgive deserve. You can forgive with out approving of their actions. You do not have to be around them again unless you allow it. You know their nature so if you are around them again just do not stay there if they abuse you. Leave and enjoy yourself with the true people who love you

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Potential in life

“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don't.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”
― Rumi

How many of us let the suffering and sadness of life ruin our potential? The mean words of others who want us to crawl, the things of life that discourage us, the way we make it so we torture ourselves for not being perfect. How many of us use our wings?

Loving Kindness in actions and meditation is Buddhist but it is true for most religions. Every religion and culture has a way to be kind to others. Everyone has Ideals and dreams, and every one was born with goodness and trust. We all can be great in one way or another. It is what makes us happy that gives us a way to love our life.

The point is that we have to know that we are not meant to crawl because we live our own life. We do not live for others and their opinions. We do not live for our fellow person even as a parent. We live for the moment when we see ourselves how the divine sees us.

Our wings were given to us by the creation of our life. We never lose them but our wonder is lost when we have to live by the opinions of others. We lose our wings when we give up on our life. We lose our wings when we forget that we are loved. We do not give ourselves hugs, nor do we think of our ideals and dreams. We do not think of our own greatness.

The person who works every day for his family and is happy doing it is showing his wings. The person who loves someone and lets them fly by telling them how much they are loved is showing their greatness. Acting with goodness towards others is showing our wings.

We all have a bit of God in us so do not live by expectations of what our life will be but enjoy life. If we live our life for goodness and ideals. It is living up to our wings. Our actions show us if we remember our wings by the way we live our lives.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What might make things a little better?

“By approaching my problems with "What might make things a little better?" rather than "What is the solution?" I avoid setting myself up for certain frustration. My experience has shown me that I am not going to solve anything in one stroke; at best I am only going to chip away at it.”
Hugh Prather, I Touch the Earth, the Earth Touches Me

 I have to say this is something that applies with problem solving. Everyone always looks for a solution. How do I solve this? How do I make this end? How do I quit people from doing this to others? It is always the word how that brings about the thought what is the solution. To some problems there are no solutions because we are not in control of how others act.

Other people can be rude, inconsiderate, insecure, liars and thieves. They can also be nice, sweet, kind, helpful and loving. The ones that have to be mean bring us into a certain place of how to stop them. People try to ignore others business just to give them respect. Yet these people have patterns of behavior and we can not solve that behavior of the ones that have to be inconsiderate, liars, and other bad actions.

The other people are blessings that we remember through out our entire life. I had a young girl who knew I felt ill try to get me to laugh. I opened the window and she was hanging from a pole attached to the walkway above my apartment. She was making a silly face and clinging to the window bars. My first thought was "Oh no she will hurt herself and I yelled at her. Don't fall I do not have anything to help you if you get hurt."

She looked so upset and hurt that I could not take it. I said "I'm sorry-I like you and I do not know what I would do if you got hurt. I don't have any bandages or any way to help you." She smiled with a happy grin and said "You like me." I told her that I liked all of the children that played in the yard in front of my place and on the water tower. I just worried about them falling. She listed off everyone's name including the daughter of my friend and said can I tell them that you like them. I had to laugh and said yes because it is true. She had so much fun going around telling everyone that I liked them.

I really felt good when I heard her parents say "Have we ever told our children that we like them?" The husband said I don't think so we always assumed that they knew we liked and loved them. They then told their three daughters that they liked them. The children looked so happy and all of the parents got into the moment.

So the nice sweet kind moments are more valuable than all of the moments that are dealing with the people who act otherwise. Maybe the bad acting people suffered from problems to warp them into weird ways of thoughts and hatefulness to others. Yet all of us have a choice to make things a little better. Sometimes it is standing up for ourselves no matter what others try to make of it. Sometimes it is realizing that people can be mentally ill and to have compassion for them and ignore their bad behavior as much as possible. Yet the line that can not be crossed is when they hurt others or do something really bad.

Other times it is making a memory of a really nice moment and knowing that I had a whole neighborhood tell their children that they loved and liked them. It is something anyone can do and any person that objects is the problem. Everyone remembers those moments in their lives where they felt liked and loved so making a memory of that for children is very important. Everyone needs that moment old or young.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Heaven to Earth or Hell to Earth it is Our Choice

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it --- always.”  

~ Mahatma Gandhi

I had a friend remind me of this quote. I think of Gandhi and he was just one good person who changed the world. He despaired many times of getting results but kept fighting to do what he thought was right. I think of all the brave people of the world who have done what they thought were right. None of what they did was easy. It was the biggest challenges of their lives.

They always had people lying about them and being an adversary. They were shamed and humiliated and every imperfection exposed in Gandhi's case to millions of people. They did the same thing to Nelson Mandela and there are always people who have to destroy anyone to make themselves feel better. I consider this part of the human condition. People who try to work upon themselves and do better always have others around who say they are doing the same thing but their method is to make others look worse so they look better.

Every religion and every person in the world has others who are trying to do what they are doing with making others look worse so they are special. Yet they do not do the work but want to be perceived as a person just like the great people of this world. It starts when we are children and we want our Mother to love us better. That is known to everyone when you watch children manipulate every one to try to get all of Mommy's attention. Insecure people do it when they have never received enough love so if the man or woman they love actually loves someone else as a family member, friend, or loves to do something they do not love. The insecure person will make it so they put them through Hell. 

So if you look at the big picture then you can see this is done through all levels of life. The insecure people of the world who feel so inferior they have to make everyone else look bad that live in shaming and disgracing everyone different and the people who enjoy the different people and try to make life better.

You can experience this sort of person in every religion, every movement, every cult, and every entertainment medium in the world. Just listen to them and if they have to talk bad, slander everyone else, and never bring you to thought about the blessings in life. The joy you can bring to life or the difference you can make. If they never inspire you but just try to get money and make you do what they want you to do. Do not listen to them and try to be like the great people of this world who enjoy the difference in others and try to bring about positive change. Good change is never easy because jealous envious people always want to be the important ones but being important or well known is not the purpose of positive change. Positive change is to bring heaven down to earth where we have goodness live here. Not bringing Hell to earth where everyone suffers.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Invaluable Opportunities

“Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger. Instead of getting angry nurture a deep caring and respect for troublemakers because by creating such trying circumstances they provide us with invaluable opportunities to practice tolerance and patience.”

- Dalai Lama XIV

I remember this quote every day. It is because of the fact that no day is perfect. Practicing loving kindness as a meditation is a benefit to me. I like to walk now and use the walking to meditate on loving kindness and send it to the people around me. I mentioned this before but to make a day beautiful for someone can just be from receiving an act of kindness. Someone going to an extra effort to show they care.

I know that anger is easy to do. I was shocked when I found out that frustration is a form of anger. I always said I am not angry just frustrated. Troublemakers and life just do not make sense at times. So I had a frustration about things that did not seem to make sense. Why do I fill out three forms for a credit card and they make me sign the one they give back to me. Why does it seem the mail never arrives when you want it to do so? The questions of life that you can never figure out.

I found that many of the things that happen in life can be a help to others. It can also be a blessing to the other people. Helping others to have solutions to problems and being kind to others is always such a nice experience. Acting silly where I can get people to laugh is something I consider a blessing. Laughter can keep someone going through sorrow, grief and pain.

All the people I do work for build their inner strength with the unusual problems that happen to them. It helps them to perceive life differently. It teaches them strength and the knowledge that the only thing we can control is our own actions and what we do in our life. Taking responsibility and doing the right actions is not easy. Yet it feels life with deep caring, and appreciation.

It is a way for me to work upon my life and give me thought through the words of others which is why I enjoy quotes so much.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mission Impossible: Living Life

Mission Impossible We were not placed here to do the possible. Let the heavenly beings bring cause into effect, potential into actual. He did not breathe from His innermost depths into flesh and blood to achieve the facile and the ordinary. We are here to achieve the impossible: To teach the world tricks it thinks it cannot do. To bring into its boundaries that which it cannot contain.

Freeman, Tzvi (2013-01-31). The Book of Purpose (Kindle Locations 107-110).  . Kindle Edition.

I enjoy the quotes from Rabbi Freeman's books. They make me think and Mission Impossible means communications and love to many people. All of our memories are contained in our own physical brain but also something called the morphic field. It means we have selective memory. We are able to ignore reality and ignore the bad things to focus on the good thoughts. It also means we can do it the other way where we remember the bad and are not grateful for the good.

I have been shown recently through my life that to ignore the bad things is an advantage. Cruelty and trying to harm others brings about an attitude that cuts you off from God. You can be manipulated by others to feel badly about yourself or to feel shame. You can also do the wrong things and wonder how you can ever correct what was done.  No one can control these circumstances in their lives. People absorb these energies from others including the energies being inserted into the morphic field which influences our mind and emotions. It is why some people never live their lives. They listen to others and are fearful and upset over what others believe and think about them and their lives.

Yet the tricks we are meant to show the world is to bring the divine down to this Earth. To make the darkness shine and turn it into a film over the things we can not comprehend. We have to work to remove the film and illuminate the divine in our lives. We can also work to bring darkness into this world instead of light. To make the darkness thicker and impenetrable where we can find no good or light in this world. The choice is up to each person.

It is liberating to know that we can appreciate each day of life. I try to remember the good each day but some times it is a struggle to do this. The reason for me is what happens to everyone. I have others trying to shame me and make me feel less through their actions. I have worries and upsets where nothing seems to go correctly or things just do not work. Everyone else can make them work but sometimes it seems impossible to make the improvements in my life that I want to do. I get upset at myself because I used to be able to do something I can not do now. We can also look at people who abuse others and when we abuse ourselves and realize that we do this because we do not feel perfect. The people who talk badly about others and shame others do this because they can not find the good in themselves. They have to be cruel and abusive so they can try to get their own way. They have a bad example to hide what they themselves do in their lives. The person who abuses his or her choices in life does it because they know they are imperfect and believes they are able to do better in their lives.

I want to be the person who listens to the divine instead of humankind. Who tries to bring the impossible into existence by doing the right things. I do not want to have to talk badly to people or respond to cruelty with insults. I want to be the person who does not abuse herself or believe the abuse of others. I do not want to compete with every one else but be happy with being myself. Yet I do hurtful things because I am human. I think for me the impossible is to bring my divine self alive and keep working on bringing heaven down to earth in my own life. I try to do this in my work and everything I do. I do this by competing with myself and enjoying others.

Everyone who has a bad day should remember it is not what others think of you that matters. It is whether or not you will be able to stand before the divine and say you are not ashamed of yourself and what you have done. It is also not allowing others to use their actions to limit you and make it so you feel badly about yourself. The only way people do that is by actions of slandering, shaming, blaming, lying and abuse to others. They can block you from the internet, from being with family or friends, and do all these things to prevent you from living your life. Yet you also help them through letting them block you through fear or upset. Instead rising above this and not doing these actions is the mission impossible but possible at the same time. Love yourself for by every obstacle you overcome and every mission impossible that you achieve you bring goodness and love into this world.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Life and Wisdom

Others are affected by what I am, and say, and do. So that a single act of mine may spread and spread in widening circles, through a nation or humanity. Through my vice I intensify the taint of vice throughout the universe. Through my misery I make multitudes sad. On the other hand, every development of my virtue makes me an ampler blessing to my race. Every new truth that I gain makes me a brighter light to humanity
William Ellery Channing

I have tried to live my life in this fashion. Yet it is difficult to do but everyone should realize that the difficult things to do may be the most rewarding to your soul. Connection to the divine is all important and you can not do that through vice. Your actions create a ripple which create other actions. I have recently had a trans-formative period in my life which helped to bring about an epiphany for me.

I live my life helping others and have always done so. I have helped to break people free in their life from negativity. I am not perfect but something I do always seems to help even if it is not perfect because I do not believe in personal power. I believe in the power of being filled by the divine energies and know that the divine has used me for his vessel. I know how imperfect I am but by doing this and giving up myself I have helped many people.

The trans-formative period has been a dark night of the soul in one way but in another a glorification of my life as a person and worker for the divine. The challenges I have recently experienced are so strange it even makes me feel weird talking about them. I realize this makes me a better spiritual counselor and helper for people with problems.

I have been the torture victim of a cult and they are advertising that they can do exorcisms. Yet if they do not cure the person instantly they revile them and ostracize them. Revilement is treating people badly by ostracizing them and then ripping them to pieces in a church. The cult leaders kill them because they are the failures and can not stand the fact that this is true. Talking bad about others always cuts you off from the divine. I am not going to focus on them but the fact that it shows I do get results. No one would go to all of this trouble to try to cause problems unless they were jealous or envious.

I have always looked at healing as something I am imperfect at doing but I try hard to be perfect. No one can be perfect unless it is the divine will. It means that I am missing the key to successful healing at times. It is inspiring the person to be the best person he can be in his life. I send loving kindness and suggest these meditations to everyone because the main key to healing is love. It is divine love and love for everyone where they can heal.

It also is the fact that everything happens in the mind of the divine. It is like a huge differential engine of choices and reactions to those choices. You can live in the negative and talking badly about people and be caught in the mind of the differential engine where you only receive the negative choices. Not listening to the divine in these choices put you into a downward spiral where you understand that your choice did this to you.

People who do not believe in this can cause ripples which affect everyone in the world. Through bigotry and bias against others who are different with their actions and words can cause much pain and suffering. Yet most of the people that do this are so focused on themselves instead of the divine that the pain they cause is unbelievable. Yet they keep doing it and I believe that is when their souls purity is lost on some levels and they keep going through these painful lessons until they learn. It is my epiphany and in the Orient torturing someone is something that can be done by anyone with enough money to hire a security agency. The leaders can then use their congregation against someone and there are many things that can be done to harm their victims.

They are slandered, cursed, harmed, starved, ostracized and threatened. The people being kind to these people always are threatened and in my case hurt. They film their victims and I ask that you read my new articles at to learn what I have learned about these practices. I believe that they call their films revilement films but it is basically a snuff film where the person dies in misery. I have been able to stay alive for over a year and a half now and am in a position where talking about this will keep myself and others safe.

Yet realize that Amnesty International is trying to stop these practices where I live and in other places in the world. Please realize this is a real problem and make it so my suffering brings about the goodness necessary to make the world change how they look at bigotry, elder abuse, and preachers or leaders. Never let any religious leader talk you into harming yourself or others. Prevent the practice of these cults where they can never cause anyone harm again. Do not give respect for anyone because they are a minister, preacher or evolved person because they would never bring you anything but joy if they do their jobs properly. Do not be manipulated and harmed through your love for God. Instead show your love for God through your actions to others. I am not the only victim of torture but I am one who has survived. Please make it so you help others survive and make it so I can stay safe by posting this blog everywhere it can be read so people understand that these things really happen in the world.

It is scary to me in one way because people try to make others who suffer through things like this the problems. The people are not the problems but the ones doing the bad actions. Please make it so the bad actions will be stopped by helping new laws to be made to bring about a safer world for everyone.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Knowing the divine will intervene for you

“Knock, And He'll open the door
Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun
Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens
Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.”


I enjoyed this quote as I have been knocking on Gods or heavens door recently to deal with the problems I have had in life. I always feel that becoming nothing in adversity and knocking on the door of the divine brings the situation alive where you can receive help from the divine.

Falling to your own faults or the actions of others always means that for trying to be a divine servant he raises you to the heavens. He is the one that is important as all others can lie about you and try to judge you but he knows eternal truth and what others have done and what you have done. All the manipulation of evil in the world can not hide the truth from God just as good is more powerful than evil.

Bigotry turns the person being abused into nothing. People act evil to them and then try to blame the persons race or status and use their own race and status as superior. It is not true as those who abuse and torture others are always the ones with an inferiority complex. They desire attention and use hate and cruelty to get that attention.

The intervention of the divine and submitting yourself to the divine as nothing is what is powerful. By being nothing he raises you to everything that he wants for you. Since the divine always wants the best living in divine love and truth brings everything to you. You as the abused and tortured person vanish and shine like the sun as a new person that the divine knows the truth about no matter who misrepresents you on this earth.

Welcome to my Blog

My blog will be about my work helping others with spiritual problems. I will talk about methods, try to brainstorm on different methods, and many of the problems I encounter and the people encounter with being able to be healed.